The matter is neither created nor destroyed, but is transformed, says Lavoisier’s fundamental postulate. And the transformation of matter can occur through a chemical reaction that takes place without measurable changes in mass, in which one or more chemical species (called reactants) change their original structure and composition to generate other chemical species (called products).
The chemical reaction thus leads to the formation of new substances. A chemical reaction is a process in which bonds are formed and/or broken between atoms of the same or different elements.
Chemical equations are used to represent chemical reactions schematically. They are written from left to right, starting with the reactants and ending with the products. An arrow symbol is inserted between the reactants and products, e.g: NaHCO3 + CH3COOH -> CO2 + NaCH3COO + H2O
The most important laboratory where chemical reactions take place at all times is the human body. All the energy our bodies need is produced through millions of chemical reactions, in which the food we eat and the oxygen (O2) we breathe in are combined and transformed. The sum of these chemical reactions is called metabolism.

Did you know that matter can be transformed through chemical reactions? A chemical reaction is a transformation of matter that leads to the formation of new substances.
And do you know what a great laboratory is for chemical reactions?
The kitchen at home! There you can experience the transformation of matter in lots of ways: making bread, cooking a steak, making a cake, dressing a salad… When you get home, try some reactions!
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